The Comedy Lab
37 Oakfield Road
Bishop's Cleeve
Glos GL52 8LA
+(44) 1242 672253
+(44) 7939 353829

"You were great fun and you made us all laugh... It helped the day go with a swing"
- Claire & John May 2015
"It was great to have you as our compere - can we have you back next year, please?"
- Christchurch Cheltenham Summer Fete Committee
"One of the high spots of the weekend"
- Parish Away Weekend, Hothorpe Hall July 2014

Waiting to go on stage is a peculiar mixture of boredom and intense anxiety. In that sense it's exactly like being 15 again. Only without the spots. Or the erroneous belief that any form of washing is no longer required. After all, why bother to have a shower when you can spray yourself from head to foot with Lynx instead?